Certification & Award


Cert ISO 9001 (SCN Port)_page-0001 (1)
Sertifikat ISPS Code
Certificate SMK3 PT.CPPI_page-0001
Certificate SMK3 PT.CPPI_page-0001


A safety award in recognition of excellent safety performance year 2005.

A safety award in recognition of excellent safety performance operating without recordable & serious incidents in 2010.

A safety award in recognition of excellent safety performance operating without any recordable case & serious incidents under conocophillps Indonesia operating control in 2013.

Appreciation for participation and support for the 6th National Webinar & RAKERNAS ABUPI.

A safety award in recognition of excellent safety performance operating without recordable incidents in 2006.

A safety award in recognition of excellent safety performance operating without recordable & serious incidents in 2011.

Appreciation for commitment and compliance in submitting the company's annual financial reports on a regular, timely and correct basis.

proof of the company's recognition as a National Vital Object of the Industrial Sector.

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